Are you ready to heal inherited generational imprints and rewrite them to design a new life for yourself?
To be free of traumas, limiting beliefs, fears, phobias & blocks which cause dis-ease?
Hello my love! Welcome to I Want That Remedy, & Healing4u where we make positive change easy for you! You don't even need to leave your own home. There’s no feeling bad about yourself, no drugs or medications, no need to revisit traumatic events; just the effortless handing over of the issues to someone else to fix while you get on with your life. Holistic Energy Healing also treats the whole person, not just visible symptoms. I remove limiting beliefs, blocks, trapped emotions & dis-ease for you, easily & effortlessly, allowing you to get on with living your life. This is not just Reiki! I am trained in many healing modalities including Emotion Code, Body Code, Infinity Healing, Chios etc & draw from whichever one feels most appropriate to your issue. I tune in psychically to your energy, no matter where you are in the world, & I am told my gift is very old & very powerful.
I offer Personal Sessions as well as Remote Healing Activations which work with your Higher Self, which then directs the clearing, healing & activation for your specific issues. My Bespoke Holistic Healing Kits will support you through the process of positive change, & my 1 : 1 counselling, lifeskills coaching & support services are available via messenger chat so its totally private no matter where you are or who you are with. You are not alone, I am here for you. Lots of love, Jo xoxo

why distance energy healing?
Drug free, pain free, time efficient, effective & available worldwide

available worldwide!
I simply tune in to your energy anywhere in the world while you sleep or do other things
feeling distressed, in pain or upset?
Oh darling! Simply book online & let me clear that for you or your loved one
battling emotional, mental or physical issues?
It's an act of self care to reach out for help when you need it. Whatever you or your loved one is experiencing, I can help. Every problem has a cause which may be a past trauma, an ancestral problem or an imbalance. I find & clear them all without drugs & no matter where you are in the world. You can go about your day or even be asleep during your session. How easy is that?
pets or children having issues?
Behaviour problems have an underlying cause. I find & clear it for them painlessly with a special discount for foster parents and shelters
facing surgery or
recovering from an injury or surgery?
Avoid surgery, or recover faster and without complications from injury or surgery with the support of energy healing. Anesthetics & medications also take their own toll on the body and have long term complications & can stay in your body for years unless cleared
needing detoxification?
If substance abuse or addiction are preventing you from enjoying life fully, I can help
stressed, anxious or obsessive thoughts?
Stress, anxiety & obsessive thinking causes so many of our problems! Why not book a session to clear yours & feel better without drugs or medications
health problem?
Our bodies give us symptoms as messages of an underlying problem. Acting sooner than later to clear them is best
I can fix that for you! Stress takes a huge toll on our bodies & leads to many dis-orders & dis-eases
contact info
based in Australia, available worldwide
all prices shown in US$
Our Services
10 min
25 US dollars20 min
65 US dollars30 min
70 US dollars45 min
120 US dollars1 hr
185 US dollars1 hr
165 US dollars40 min
70 US dollars1 hr 20 min
222 US dollars20 min
65 US dollars20 min
65 US dollars20 min
65 US dollars20 min
65 US dollars20 min
65 US dollars1 hr
30 US dollars1 hr
40 US dollars1 hr
99 US dollars3 hr
300 US dollars